Eyry Press

brockoz copyBookbinding is my hobby, and I realised that, with an A3 duplex colour printer, I could publish quarto and octavo books.  My workshop is on the gallery of the barn attached to our farmhouse, which we call ‘the eyry’, hence the name ‘Eyry Press’.  I have published nine books, which are held by the UK copyright libraries, and also four family books, which are not publications.  This is the list:

Selected Poems 1930-1999, by Ruth P Kenna, 2002, ISBN 0-9540633-0-9.

View from a City on a Hill, by David Gee, 2003, ISBN 0-9540633-1-7.

Eileithyia’s Mischief: the Organic Psychoses of Pregnancy, Parturition and the Puerperium, by Ian Brockington, 2006, ISBN 0-9540633-2-5.

The Birmingham Interview for Maternal Mental Health, by 16 authors, 2006, ISBN 0-9540633-3-3.

Ilfra, 2006, a family book.

Sandpies, 2008, by Dorothy McGrath, ISBN 0-9540633-4-1.

Menstrual Psychosis and the Catamenial Process, by Ian Brockington, 2008, ISBN 0-9540633-5-X.

Fraser’s Travels, volume 1, Personal Adventures, 2008, a family book.

Fraser’s Travels, volume 2, An Evangelist for Public Health, 2010, a family book.

What is Worth Knowing about ‘Puerperal Psychosis’, by Ian Brockington, 2014, ISBN 0-9540633-7-6.

Joyce and the Family, 2017, a family book.

‘Bonding Disorders’: Emotional Rejection of the Infant, by Ian Brockington, 2018, ISBN 0-954633-8-4.

The Stafford Interview, by 42 authors, 2019, ISBN 0-954633-9-2.